Ongoing collaboration with Nick Bristowe and Arash Mostofi, Imperial College London, on first principle studies of negative thermal expansion materials. Our collaboration is supported through a EPSRC studentship via the CDT.
Ongoing collaboration with Nick Bristowe and Arash Mostofi, Imperial College London, on first principle studies of negative thermal expansion materials. Our collaboration is supported through a EPSRC studentship via the CDT.
Crystallographic studies of high pressure multiferroic materials in collaboration with Wei-tin Chen, National University Taiwan, supported via a Royal Society International exchange grant.
Leverhulme Trust funded collaborations with both Gabriele Sosso and Nick Funnell (ISIS) on the discovery of novel pressure transmitting medium for high pressure scattering experiments.
Ongoing collaboration with Nick Funnell, PEARL, ISIS, studying pressure-induced transitions in functional materials including both manganites and cuprates.
Ongoing collaboration with Andrew Goodwin on understanding correlated disorder in functional metal oxide materials.
We are currently collaborating with Jon Wright, ID11, ESRF to develop scanning 3DXRD techniques for spatially resolved crystallographic studies of functional materials.
Our work is underpinned by high resolution crystallography at central facilities to study phase transitions for which we frequently collaborate with beamline scientists at ISIS, Diamond Light Source, the ILL and the ESRF.