Jeremiah graduated from the University of Nottingham in 2012 with an MSci in chemistry, undertaking his final-year research project in the high-pressure X-ray diffraction studies of macrocycle platinum-group complexes under the supervision of Profs. Sandy Blake and Martin Schrӧder. This work was continued in his PhD, where the project was expanded to include piezochromism, polymorphism and polyiodides. In May of 2016, Jeremiah moved to the United States of America as a research associate at the University of Toledo where he undertook variable-temperature charge-density studies of energetic materials with Prof. A. Alan Pinkerton and Dr. V. Zhurov.
Jere joined the Senn group to develop the use of single-crystal X-ray diffraction techniques in understanding the phase-behaviour and structure-property relationships in multiferroic materials. Here, he has helped develop the group’s approaches to multi-phase refinements in the context of lanthanum cuprates and has set-up high-pressure single-crystal X-ray capabilities. Recently, Jere further paired-up with the electron microscopy group, here at Warwick, as part of a multi-site collaboration, mixing crystallography and microscopy to develop structure-property relationships in emerging tetragonal tungsten bronze ferroelectric relaxors.