Hi! My name is Serena Ubha and I have just undergone my second year at the University of Warwick as an undergrad. I am currently doing a URSS project working "team fluoride", supervised by Cat, Craig ...
I am a final year undergraduate MChem student based at the University of Warwick. For my master’s project with the Senn Group, I am investigating the thermoelectric properties of Ca1-x-ySrxBayTiO3...
I am a first year PhD student at the University of Warwick based at the Materials and Analytical Sciences centre as part of the Chemistry department. I joined the Senn group in December 2019 and my re...
Hannah was an undergraduate chemistry student based at the University of Warwick. She undertook the final year of her undergraduate MChem course in 2019/2020, carrying out a master’s project with th...
Shuai was an undergraduate student (Year 4) at Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick. He joined the Senn group 2019/2020 to develop an MChem project, focusing on the study of the crystal stru...
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